Battle Mines

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Battle Mines is a free strategy MMO set in a whimsical post-apocalyptic world. Players build cities, fire cannons, and vote in the senate to dominate the political landscape. Trade, espionage, religion, everything is on the table and nothing is sacred with this tongue-in-cheek cold war free for all.


One fine day 2005 I learned that bauxite is the primary ore of aluminum. Around the same time I took in Technopoly, a card game where players invent materials and the machines that consume them. Considering other substances to purify or refine, I settled on five: Coal, bauxite, iron, sand, and uranium.

It followed that each resource would have a different application. If a player's territory produced only one, interaction would gain them others. Mines to dig up minerals, refineries to process them: cities. Why not cannons for battling? What other buildings might be needed?

As a long time fan of Sid Meier's Civilization, the momentous choice of a new government always greatly moved me. Expanding on this, politics went from long-term strategy to an immediate tactical concern. Food would be pivotal in this desolate world, only by feeding the people could leaders prompt abrupt ideological shifts.

I had always been fascinated by steam engines and the machinery of the early industrial era. Exploring the Deutches Museum crystallized this yearning. The ambiance lent itself to my gritty vistas, but there was also uranium, begging to be made into warheads. How to reconcile the mechanical grotesqueries of centuries past with rocketry and space-age domes of the future?

Embracing a steampunk, "who cares" vibe led to the now-eponymous battle mines. With endless resources to haul out of the ground came tank-like omnibuses of doom, dominating the landscape. Battle Mines grew organically from an original idea, honed over two distinct releases and spanning a decade of development.

The result is an epic tale of building, battling, and mining, where the players are the stars and every day holds new adventure. Welcome to Battle Mines.






"Those that decide to take the leap into the world of Battle Mines will find it to be both an addictive one - I have it running in my browser as I write this now - and also a rewarding one."

Davidlee Jolley - Indie Game Magazine

"The Free-to-Play price tag and different take on an established genre make this definitely worth a look. The elaborate tech and resource system will keep you going for a long extended period of time and the laughs will keep it fresh."

Pieter Troffaes - Indie Love

"This game is multifaceted and deeply interesting with mechanics unlike any game I've come across before. The player can play the game any way they choose and always be presented with challenge and fun."

Hannah Evans - Moby Games


Platform: PC
Engine: Flash, custom
Genre: Strategy MMO
Theme: Post-Apocalyptic
Publisher: Red Asteroid Games


Erik Walle conceived and built Battle Mines from scratch (twice). He studied Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He has worked on almost a dozen titles including his own previous MMOs, Facebook games such as I Like Slots and Civ World, and triple-A titles including XCOM: Enemy Unknown. He currently lives in San Francisco, California with his wife Winnie Liang and daughter Venus.

Santiago Diaz Gonzalez contributed artwork to the original Battle Mines, and was contracted for all pixel and vector art on the subsequent commercial release. He has worked on many an indie game in his day. He is a native resident of Malaga, Spain.

BATTLE MINES © Erik Walle 2005-2024
Red Asteroid Games Inc.
All rights reserved